Entering eBay Catalog Information

eBay makes listing items easier by providing catalog information in some categories.  The catalogs provided by eBay give information about different items including; descriptions, titles, and even pictures.  By using a catalog entry, entering information yourself can be avoided.


For example, DVD's are a catalog item.  No matter who is selling a new copy of "The Shawshank Redemption", it is going to look the same and have the same description.  Choose "The Shawshank Redemption" from eBay's catalog of movies and then the title, picture or may of the item specifics will not need to be entered.


To enter catalog information on an item:

  1. If the selected category supports catalogs, there will be an option to "Include Product Details".  Check this box to use the catalog information.
  2. Enter the type of search and value to search for.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. The Item Research window will appear with all matching entries.  Find and select the entry that matches the item for sale and click OK.
  5. The values chosen will now appear in the Item Window.  Select the additional properties as described in the following table:


Field Description
Use Catalog Title as Item Title Checking this box will replace the item title with the title of the catalog item.
Include Stock Photo in this Listing Checking this box will use the picture from the catalog in the listing.
Include Additional Information Checking this box will include more information about the item, including details about authors, actors, directors, and even reviews.
Use Stock Image as Gallery Image Checking this box will use the catalog image as the gallery image on the listing.