Adding the Shipping Origin to an Item

Most items are shipped from a single location, but if you have multiple warehouses or drop shippers who ship the item from another location, then you will need to specify the shipping origin of each item.  The shipping origin will be sent to the eCommerce site to be used for calculating shipping charges and delivery times.


By default, the shipping origin will be set to the shipping origin of the default profile.  If using a drop shipper, the drop shippers origin will be used.



To change the origin, choose a new Origin from the dropdown on the Organization tab.  To add additional origins, click the Manage icon .


When an Order is created, separate shipments will be created if the items in the order originate from separate locations.  The Shipment record will also display the origin of the shipment and give you a final chance to change the origin if necessary.  Packing Lists, Mailing Labels and Consignor Payout reports will use the origin of the shipment to determine the Return Address.