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Custom Label and SKU mapping in SixBit Print

  • Custom Label, SKU
  • 14

Description of issue:

·          Listings seem to have the wrong pictures and/or titles in SixBit.  When going to the listing on eBay, the information is correct

·         From the check listings mode, select an “incorrect” listing and right-click Go to Items for selected.  Then select that item and right-click Go to Listings for Selected.  You should see multiple listings, most likely with the same picture and different titles. 

Cause of issue:

When using the SKU field to map to the eBay Custom Label field, and the Custom Label on eBay is not unique (meaning different listings share same values).  When importing listings from eBay, SixBit gets a listing with SKU (Custom Label) “A”.  When it gets to the next listing with SKU (Custom Label) “A”, it essentially skips the import and regards it as the same item.  SixBit will create the listing record, but will attribute the information to an existing item.  This is when you see incorrect pictures and/or titles on listings and multiple unique listings linking back to a single item. 


1.       Change the mapping setting in SixBit. 

a.       In SixBit click File > Options > Refreshes and change the mapping from SKU to either Storage Location (if this field is not currently in use) or Notes.  Using the Storage Location setting, you will enter your “SKU” in the Storage Location Field.  When using Notes, that information does not go up to eBay. 

2.       Make sure unique SKUs setting is turned on.

a.       In SixBit, click File > Options > Creating Items > Identifier Management.  Make sure the “Force SKUs to be unique” option is checked, and click OK. 

3.       Delete affected items and re-import.

a.       Option 1 – Delete all items and re-import from eBay: 

                                                               i.      In SixBit, go to the Sell Items mode and click on the Repository tab.  Select all items with Ctrl+A and right-click Delete.  Then click Import > Import from eBay, choose to import by date and set the number of days to 30 and click OK to start the import. 

b.       Option 2 – Delete just affected items and re-import from eBay:

                                                               i.      Select a group of affected listings from the Check Listings Running mode, and use right-click Copy to Clipboard > eCommerceID to copy the eBay listing numbers for these.  With the same listings still selected, right-click Go to Items for Selected Listings to go to the Sell Items mode for the listings (you should see fewer items than selected listings).  Select these items and right-click Delete or use the Delete key on your keyboard to delete them.  Then click Import > Import from eBay and choose to import by eCommerce ID.  Paste in the copied eCommerceIDs and click OK. 

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