Custom Fields
SixBit is built on the idea that no two sellers work the same way. Since our inception, we have strived to make SixBit flexible and customizable to meet the needs of each user. Custom fields are a shining example of that commitment.
Custom fields provide a way to store data that is particular to any business. Custom fields can be defined for Items, Listings, Orders, Shipments, Sales, Buyers and Suppliers. Once defined, values can be entered in the custom fields and then displayed in the grids, description wrappers, emails and reports. In addition, searches can be performed on custom fields and the results saved as filters for easy retrieval in the future.
With custom fields, you can make SixBit look like an application that was designed specifically for you.
Below you will find the Manage Custom Fields window with just a sampling of the types of custom fields you can create.
- Packaging Materials - A multi-value list that lets you check off all of the packaging materials that are required for packing the item. This can be useful to include on the pick list when you are getting your daily shipments ready.
- Promotion - Any promotions that you offer like "free keychain", "free strap", etc.
- Customs Description - A shortened version of the title to be used on customs forms.
- Floor Price - The lowest value you are willing to accept for an item. This can prevent you from offering it for too little or accepting a best offer that is too low.
- Discounted Date - The last date you discounted the item so you can tell when it is time to possibly discount it again.
- Targeted For - Who the item would be a good match for. It can be used to tailor your Description.
- Engraved Message - The message for engraved items after the sale has been made.
- Included Gift - Any gifts you want to include in the shipment.
- Priority - The urgency of the order.
- Frequent Buyer Program - Is the buyer a member of your Frequent Buyer Program.
- Send Holiday Gift - Does this person get a holiday gift?
- Collector Of - What the buyer collects.
- Reliability Rating - How many stars do you rate each supplier on reliability.
These are just some examples we came up with, and we're sure you have many more.