Troubleshooting Scheduled Listings
SixBit allows for scheduling of listings in two different ways. Listings can be scheduled by sending them to eBay immediately and paying their fee to list the items at the scheduled time or the computer can be left running and the SixBit Agent can schedule them at the appointed time.
Scheduling listings through SixBit is free, however, there are several requirements that must be met to ensure that it works properly. If those requirements are not met, then the items may not list at the desired time.
If the items did not list, please review the following topics to make ensure that everything is set correctly.
Agent Setup
All scheduled listings are performed by the Agent. If the scheduled listings are not occurring, the first thing to do is to ensure that the Agent is running. Refer to Troubleshooting the SixBit Agent to solve any Agent issues.
The Agent may be run on any computer, however, if listings are being scheduled through SixBit, the optimal setup is to have the Agent running ONLY on the computer that is hosting the database. To set which computers are running the Agent, Refer to Automatically Synchronizing Using the Agent.
Computer Available
For SixBit to post scheduled listings, the computer that is running the Agent must be on and have an internet connection at the time of the scheduled listings.
Time and Date
Verify that all computers on the network have the correct time and date. If listings are scheduled on one computer and the time on the server is different, there are a number of situations that can affect the proper listing of the items.
As always, ensure that all computers are running the same version of SixBit.