Rules for Importing Suppliers and Consignors via CSV

These rules are specific to importing suppliers and consignors from a CSV.  For general documentation on importing from a CSV, see Importing from a Comma Separated Values Flat File.


These rules are specific to importing suppliers and consignors from a CSV.  For general documentation on importing from a CSV, see Importing from a Comma Separated Values Flat File.

Unique Identifiers

The unique identifier fields for a supplier/consignor are used to determine whether an existing supplier should be updated or a new supplier should be added.  During a supplier/consignor import, the unique identifiers (in order of precedence) are: SupplierID, Account Num, Email.


Consignors are a subset of Suppliers and therefore are imported with Suppliers.  A Supplier is flagged as a consignor during the import by setting the Is Consignor flag to true.  The default Consignment Plan ID or Consignment Plan Name can also be provided.

Mailing Address

The Mailing Address can be entered mapped on the Mailing Address tab.