Rules for Importing Inventory via CSV

These rules are specific to importing inventory from a CSV.  For general documentation on importing from a CSV, see Importing from a Comma Separated Values Flat File.

Why Importing Inventory Is Different

Importing inventory is different than other types of imports in SixBit.  In all other types of imports, a record of information is provided and that record is either added or used to update an existing record in SixBit.  


Inventory is not stored in a single record, so therefore it can't be updated simply by providing a single record of information.  Inventory is stored as a sum of all purchases.  To maintain accurate inventory records, SixBit maintains purchase records to keep track of costs, quantities and dates of past purchases.   It then can calculate how many items you have remaining by totalling all you have purchased and subtracting those you have sold.  So you see there is no single record that can be updated during an inventory import.  Instead of updating single rows, SixBit provides the means for choosing actions that can be performed on each items inventory.  Using these actions, inventory can easily be added, deducted, reconciled or set.


The fields in the CSV file will provide all the information necessary to update inventory.  Refer to Updating Inventory for the details of the fields required to update inventory from a CSV file.