EBay Business Policies
Users can opt into using eBay's Business Policies instead of SixBit presets for Shipping, Payments, and Returns. Once a user is opted into Business Policies and has converted the SixBit database, they may not go back to using Sixbit presets. For this reason, it is recommended that users create a backup of t he database before converting to use Business Policies. How?How?
SixBit presets and eBay's Business Policies cannot coexist in the same database. Users with multiple eBay accounts linked in Sixbit will need to opt-in each account if they want to use Business Policies.

To Convert to Business Policies:
- Log into your eBay account and opt into Business Policies. Users can click here to go to the opt-in page.
- In SixBit, click File > Refresh > Sync Auxiliary Data. Users with multiple accounts linked in SixBit will need to repeat steps 1 & 2 for each account.
- A message should pop up about Business Policies, click OK then click File > Options > Creating Items > Business Policies > Convert to Business Policies.

To create or edit Business Policies:
- Log into your eBay account and go to My Account > Business Policies
- After creating or editing your policies, you will need to import them into SixBit by clicking File > Refresh > Sync Auxiliary Data