Rate Tables and Promotional Shipping
Shipping Rate Tables are required for users taking advantage of the eBay Guaranteed Delivery Program. Shipping Rate Tables are used to augment flat rate shipping options for special domestic locations such as Alaska/Hawaii, US Protectorates and API/FPO. Users can learn more by reading through the Shipping Rate Table Overview and the Shipping Rate Table FAQ.

To enable Shipping Rate Tables:
- Log into your eBay account and navigate to the Site Preferences area. Expand the Shipping Preferences section and across from "Use Shipping Rate Tables", click Edit.
- Set up your domestic and (optionally) international shipping rate tables.
In SixBit, select File > Options > Creating Items and check "Use eBay Seller Account Specific Shipping Presets". Then click OK to exit the Options window.

To set a rate table on a Shipping Preset
- In SixBit, click File > Manage > Presets > Shipping Presets
Users with multiple accounts will need to select the target Profile from the drop-down menu in the Manage Shipping Presets window.
Select an existing preset to Edit or make a New one
Check "Apply my domestic shipping rate table" and select your rate table from the drop-down