Item Promotions
Item promotions are a great way for eBay sellers to run automated sales on groups of listings. Using item promotions, users can:
- Run buy one, get one sales
- Run volume pricing sales (percent off quantity purchased)
- Schedule seasonal sales
- And more!
Making your first Item Promotion
- In SixBit, click File > Manage > Marketing > Item Promotions
- In the Manage Item Promotions window, click New to create a new promotion
This will open the Promotion Window where users can develop their promotion. Must include a Start and End date/time. Users can set a priority rank when using multiple promotions. In the event that a listing qualifies for multiple promotions, only the promotion with the highest rank will be applied.
Types of Promotions
There are several available options for the type of promotion: Spending, Quantity, Buy One Get One, and Volume Pricing. Per a given promotion, only one type can be selected.
Spending: Give discounts based on how much a buyer spends
Quantity: Give discounts based on the quantity of items purchased
Buy One Get One: Offer a flat discount for the same item
Volume: Increasing discounts for more items purchased (up to 4)
Targeting Listings
Promotions can be applied to active listings by specific rules, specific listings, or all listings.
By Rule
Categories - Add eBay categories OR store categories by filling out the category selector and clicking the green plus sign to the right to add them to the list
Price Range - Select a specific price range for your promotion (optional)
Brands - Specify which brands to include in the promotion (optional)
Conditions - Specify which conditions to include in the promotion (optional)
Excluded Listings - Explicitly specify which listings shall not be part of a promotion, if they otherwise qualify under the above rules (optional)
Specific Listings
Using the "By Listing" option, users can manually and excplicitly specify which listings to run the promotion on. Listings can be entered by eCommerce ID one per line or separated by commas. Other identifiers are SKU, Item ID, Product ID, and EPID.
All Items
Users can also run a promotion on all items. When selecting All Items, users still have the option to exclude specific listings from the promotion.
Scheduling and Running Promotions
After you finish up developing your promotion, you can click OK to exit the Edit Item Promotion widow. From the Manage Item Promotions window, select your promotion and click Schedule. If there is a problem with the promotion or you would like to stop the promotion for any reason, you can click Pause, and you can use the Resume button to start up any paused promotions.
Please note that there can be a delay of a few hours up to a day before the promotion can be seen on eBay (or, if the promotion was made on eBay, there can be a delay before it is seen in SixBit).