Installing SixBit
SixBit is a desktop application, so unlike most eCommerce solutions, it actually gets installed on your computer. Installing is a very simple process and is very similar to many past installations you may have performed. The SixBit installer comes packaged with SQL Server 2014 Express Edition, which is the program that runs the underlying database. SQL Server will install at the same time that SixBit is installing.

To install SixBit:
Click "Save" so you will have a copy of the installation in case installation is needed again in the future. Choose a location where the installation program will be saved.
After the download completes, open the folder where the program has been downloaded to and double click the Install-SixBit-X.YY.ZZZ.exe file to begin the installation.
The installation program will first check to ensure that the proper prerequisites have been installed. If Windows Installer 4.5, SQL Server, or the proper version of Microsoft .Net are missing, the installation program will download the missing component and install them. Depending upon what is missing, ,it may be necessary to perform one or more computer restarts.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. For new users and first-time installers, select "Create new SQL Server instance" during the installation process.
When the installation is complete, there will be a SixBit eCommerce Solution icon on your desktop. The program can be started by double-clicking the SixBit eCommerce Solution icon or by selecting Start|Programs|SixBit Software|SixBit eCommerce Solution.

Should the installation fail at some point, please see the Knowledgebase articles pertaining to common installation issues here. Please bring any installation issues that cannot be resolved to our Support team by sending an email to, making sure to include "Installation" in the subject line.