Importing from Etsy
One of the first steps when starting with SixBit is to import any existing listings already running on an eCommerce site. Importing can also be useful to bring items into the SixBit database when they have been listed on Etsy in some other fashion.
When SixBit imports items from Etsy, an item will be created for each running listing.
Importing Variations
Before 2017, Etsy did not allow setting variation quantities for each variation. In other words, if you had 3 red shirts, 4 blue shirts and 5 green shirts, you had only a few options. You could have simply sent the scarcest amount (3 in this case) which would ensure that you never oversold, but limited total sales of the blue and green shirts. Alternately, you could have chosen to send the total (5+4+3=12) which wouldn't limit your sales, but would run the risk of overselling.
Fortunately in the new Etsy implementation, they have added the ability to send a quantity for each variation. This implementation will be in full use for all Etsy sellers by the end of May 2017, however any variation items created before that time will still have the limitation. When importing older variation items, you may be asked by SixBit if you want to "Import with the scarcest quantity", which will set all inventory quantities to the lowest available quantity, or "Import with the Total of All Variations", which will set the inventory on all variations to the total quantity.

To import items from Etsy:
- From the ribbon bar in the Sell Items mode click the arrow under the Import button, then select Import from Etsy.
- As discussed above, when importing older variation items, SixBit may ask you to choose between "Import with the scarcest quantity" or "Import with the Total of All Variations". If you don't know what to choose, then choosing the option to use the scarcest quantity would be the safest choice.
- Once OK is clicked, the desired listings will be imported. While importing, a status window will appear. The status window will report how many items have imported, failed to import, or where skipped. The status message can be expanded to see more detail or find the details in the Event log.