See Also
Editing Suppliers
Suppliers are added when a purchase record is created. Supplier information may be edited for a single supplier or multiple suppliers at once.

- In SixBit, click File > Manage > Suppliers, then click New
- Enter the appropriate supplier information and click OK

- Open the Sell Items mode. How?How?
- From the grid, select the item for which the supplier will be edited.
- From the ribbon bar, click the arrow under the Edit button and choose Manage Inventory Purchases for the selected item.
- Select the purchase record for the Supplier and click the Edit button.
- Click the edit icon
to the right of the Supplier dropdown.

To edit multiple suppliers in a batch:
- Open the Sell Items mode. How?How?
- From the grid, optionally select the items for which the suppliers will be edited.
- Click the arrow under the Edit button in the ribbon bar and choose Batch Edit Suppliers.
- Under Batch Edit Suppliers, select either Selected Suppliers or All Suppliers.
- Consult Using the Batch Edit Window for information on making changes to the suppliers.