Editing Suppliers

Suppliers are added when a purchase record is created.  Supplier information may be edited for a single supplier or multiple suppliers at once.


To create a supplier:

  1. In SixBit, click File > Manage > Suppliers, then click New
  2. Enter the appropriate supplier information and click OK



To edit a single supplier:

  1. Open the Sell Items mode.     How?How? From the Mode selector in the lower left, choose Sell Items.
  2. From the grid, select the item for which the supplier will be edited.
  3. From the ribbon bar, click the arrow under the Edit button and choose Manage Inventory Purchases for the selected item.
  4. Select the purchase record for the Supplier and click the Edit button.
  5. Click the edit icon to the right of the Supplier dropdown.



To edit multiple suppliers in a batch:

  1. Open the Sell Items mode.     How?How? From the Mode selector in the lower left, choose Sell Items.
  2. From the grid, optionally select the items for which the suppliers will be edited.
  3. Click the arrow under the Edit button in the ribbon bar and choose Batch Edit Suppliers.
  4. Under Batch Edit Suppliers, select either Selected Suppliers or All Suppliers.
  5. Consult Using the Batch Edit Window for information on making changes to the suppliers.