Customizing the Item Window Layout

 Most of these features are demonstrated in our "Item Entry Customization in SixBit" video.  Click here to view the video now.

Entering item information is one of the more time intensive tasks involved with listing items, so we've made sure to make this process as customizable and efficient as possible.  There are a lot of fields on the Item window and not all users use all fields, so the item window has been designed to allow for hiding unused fields and laying out the remaining fields in the most efficient order.


As mentioned previously, the Item Window is broken down into two areas.  The top contains all of the item information that is common to all sites and the bottom area contains information that is specific to each site.  The relative space between the two areas can be modified by dragging the splitter bar between them.


Each area is made up of different panes that are either shown alone or docked with other panes.   Docking panes together results in a tabstrip allowing access to each pane while using less space.  Panes that aren't used as often can be docked behind more frequently used panes.  In the image below, Notes is an individual pane and Identifiers, Organization and Specs are docked panes.


Panes or docked groups of panes can be resized relative to other panes.  Placing the cursor between two panes provides a draggable icon to resize.

Panes can be moved by grabbing the tabs and dragging to the desired location.

After dragging a pane, the placement compass will appear.  Hover on the up, down, left or right arrows to and the yellow box will indicate the location where the dragged pane will be placed.  Selecting the square in the middle of the compass will dock the pane to the existing pane and it will then appear as a tab.


Panes can even be undocked entirely from the Item window by not choosing any area of the placement compass.


Tabs can be reordered within their docked group by dragging and dropping.

Once a pane layout has been customized, it can be saved as the default.  Each time the Item window is opened, the saved default layout will be used.  Undesired changes can be undone to revert to the last saved layout, or to start over the layout can be restored to the factory default.


With a little experimentation, a custom layout for your business is easily achieved.