When the Shopify integration was first launched I used it but found that it was not granular enough for what I needed.
I ended up building description wrappers for Shopify based on my ebay categories then pulled the item specific using the [[functionality]].
It has worked well but none of the data is uploaded in a structured way that could be reused throughout the Shopify platform. With the revisions Shop 2.0 brings it looks like meta fields will become or at least can become the Shopify equivalent of ebay item specifics.
Side note….is there any way to pull the ebay item specifics via an export….I ended up going the long route of copy and pasting from the ui into my code editor.
Thank you for your time
PS if you would like to see the wrappers I set up let me know I could email them to you. I did not want to post them in an open forum.