TurtleCove and Bob V. I agree completely with you two.
It wasn’t that big thing for me this forum even I didn’t like the design at first.
Now I’m having that bad feeling every time that I’m about to come here.
Forum lacks in functionality. Software is great.
Getting frustrating about this now I have to add that it’s pain in the ass to go Support > Discussion Forums.
Forums should have it’s on button, you have a lot of space up there. And I bet it’s one of the most pressed buttons.
Yeah, I can confirm more subscription emails coming through even tho you unsubscribed us?
Try this:
1) Just copy the HTML code here http://htmledit.squarefree.com/
2) then select it and copy again
3) then copy it in SixBit
If not, post the original code and I’ll try to help some more.
it was Moe who posted some serious walkthrough for remoteapp it’s excellent, thanks Moe!
Since the forum is a mess here’s the link for topic :
was getting emails whole day yesterday for old posts and it doesn’t make any sense…
What’s with the email spam today???
Was harder to find a way here than the last time…
and I’m completely lost in the forum right now. 😮
New request :
when we are using < > arrows for the Next Item and Previous Item in the Grid (Item Window top right corner arrows)
we need some info, numbers showing how many items are in the grid/folder and on which item we are right now
because editing multiple items this way we do not know are we on first or last item until one of the arrows disappear
More questions incoming… 😀
About the rank what exactly do you mean ? if you search for something and by Sort : Best match when you are #1 on eBay search ?
but if your listing has that big square box with catalog stuff under the item specifics and before your item description then u do have it on the listings. if not then u dont.
I don’t think it has but honestly I’m not sure.
My current problem is this :
Add +
Then in Item window on the Product Title : line I type
something something
for example.
and click icon on the end of the line Search, Search w/ Preview and I get this No Results Found : No Results were found For search text. window
I guess if there are no similar products in Catalog I won’t see the other important information I need like regular eBay search.
Just want that search window to show normal eBay search + other stuff I configured, that is other tabs and to skip the eBay catalog one if that is making the problem.
UPDATE : Opened a ticket and got answer from support that at the moment it can’t be done but they will try to make eBay catalog hide-able or that the whole window doesn’t hinge on eBay catalog.
Thanks KH, with your help I uploaded 20 items and I’m getting used to SixBit software.
Will have to think about printer and just might buy some in early 2017.
Just opened a ticket because this GREAT FEATURE is not working the way we want to.
Would save a lot of time if this could be customized for our needs, hope we can find a workaround.
So just watched Researching Items in SixBit tutorial video and was excited about Search Item feature with customized tabs.
And made all the custom tabs using [[Keywords]].
But there is a problem since we don’t use eBay Catalog for listing Collectibles, if the item is not in the eBay Catalog we get this window [No results were found For search text.]
Or for search terms like [vintage paper brochure] still getting the same No results window…
So is there a way to remove eBay Catalog tab or to bypass it ?
*if the eBay catalog is making the problem?
Thanks again for your time KH!
thanks KH!
On ebay when something is sold Action > Add Tracking Number
then you got this menu. We write there tracking number and Carrier name manually.
Can you imagine we don’t print labels? We write everything by hand.
But if you have a suggestion for good printer with good cheap replicable cartridges which we would use only for eBay labels we might switch to printing labels again.
I don’t get around the New Creating item well just couldn’t make a single item.
I used to create items just sell > create single listing then next item sell similar, and changing title, pictures, format and price for the next item.
We don’t use inventory or quantity because every item is different.
In TL2 make a folder for today, copy some similar item, change title, pics, category, save … copy/paste next item change everything, copy/paste…
I can’t copy an item in Under Construction? Like CTRL + C and CTRL + V ?
and if I duplicate nothing happens?
No inventory and no quantity (except 1) because every item is different.
Cool, thanks KH.you saved me a lot of time and answered everything I asked so far, much appreciated.
I understand what I haven’t before.
Numbers are exact now which is great.
Synchronising in Turbo Lister 2 you had to wait long periods of time for the items in Active Listings to be updated in software
as well as uploading for hours for items over few hundreds.
I’ll have to install everything again on few other different machines and systems for my associates by the end of the year so it was important to me that I know the process and that I have necessary knowledge for future problems and I hope that I’ll manage to do that, as soon as I configure SixBit Software again I guess I’ll just backup and copy database to other computers.
We don’t use quantity every item is on 1 in my stores.
Btw is there a place to write Carrier Name next to Tracking number, and also how to unmark as Shipped in SB?
Hello again,
I agree with Cindy Stone and recped
Login sometimes ask for username and sometimes for email
also I frequently get “this page is restricted” when I login
and getting here with all the dropdown menus is a bit confusing.
when I want to get here already I know there is going to be some clicks…
Finally I managed to install successfully and enter SixBit software for the first time in Windows 10 64 bit
steps I used :
1) Clean Boot : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929135
2) Manuel Install of SQL Server 2008 R2 :https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30438
Using this : https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/clients/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=43
and this video combined 1:37 important step : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUCbvfFEO34
*also turned firewall off for 15 mins before I started installing
3) Installing the latest SixBit software
After I reset boot to defaults and if everything works I will mark thread as resolved.
Hello again, much happened with me and computers these days.
I got new laptop windows 10 64 bit and exactly the same problem as on post 1.
how to install microsoft sql server 2008 r2 on win 10 64 bit ? is it possible ?