MSRP:[[MSRPCUSTOM]] in your description or wrapper and make a custom field MSRPCUSTOM fill in the field with a value and it will display.
You could automate it in the wrapper with logic to display or not display if not present.
Turtlecove you post a lot of questions. We have an unofficial peer2peer support group on Facebook, you know where to find us.
Depends on if you click the right side or left side of store categories. I think left is all cats and right side is last used cats.
Why not just strip the code from the listing designer, place it in a wrapper and apply it to all your listings? AKA a home-rolled theme that you don’t have to pay for.
What are you guys having to pay to apply this eBay theme? .10 cents per listing per month?
Following…. Very interested in the camera functionality.
I know the feeling….with forums… I assume it’s because what we old timers knew as a BBS style forum is gone with the advent of mobile…
And with that said, Facebook has taken over the world. I noticed that just about everything is shifting towards facebook, even forums. A small group of us got together and built a Facebook group. It’s unsupported by staff and the Ticket system is the best and most sure way to get a problem solved. I don’t think I’m allowed to link to it here, but we can be found on Facebook. It’s just a little group of friendly folks who are fans of SB trying to help each other out and make the most use of SB.
With all that said, I’m a big fan of Sixbit! It is worth every penny I pay for it and I don’t even use all of it.
Thanks Moe, That confirms the behavior I’m seeing, I’ll have to do some more testing, but it seems like it might do a little more than wrappers and presets….
Maybe because it’s auction? There is product title and eBay title also… There is a REVISE and a Send Revisions To Site command when you right click.
please Reread the question and attempt it.
Last night after posting I updated 200 listings with a custom specific in SELL ITEMS, I went to CHECK LISTINGS selected all 200 and sent all revisions to site… All 200 updated with a condition logic test that displayed a picture.. I did not edit from CHECK LISTINGS.
Currently awaiting an explanation of this undocumented behavior that essentially allows you to work offline or more precisely “not wait on eBay”. I’m not sure if everything can be updated like this, if it’s only GTC, fixed price or auction, or if only certain datapoints can be revised in this manner.
I would say you need a future proof asset strategy to store images, audio and video. I would setup a SSL’d domain that has FTP capability, have a local backup and a backup in some sort of online storage.
Why don’t you just add an ssl to your site and add an “S” to all your http: changing it to HTTPS:?
Already fixed. Update to the latest version of Sixbit, select all listings, Then right clic, then select send all revisions to Site.
I’m not a Shopify user, BUT I would think SB would gain the most from being able to connect to the top three stores platforms and becoming the center of inventory management, I wish that would have been tackled before Amazon, cause I’m afraid amazon will suck all resources for a long time.
So with that said there are probably 1000x more Shopify users looking for product data management than there are Walmart users. I turned down Walmart because of their ridiculous requirements, I can get that same abuse from Amazon with less work:-)
So my response is: product data management for webstores.
Awesome John! Discovered on my own yesterday, but I will share this in the facebook group for others doing the same…..
7. Would really like a button added to the pictures tab for merging photos together. Ideally we could highlight the pictures desired, click “merge”, and be given an option of how the new picture should be arranged (vertically, horizontally, or if more than 2 then in a square formation). This new created photo would be in addition to the ones already there, not replacing them. We’re currently doing this externally and it takes longer than we’d like.
That would be sweet… Amazing idea!