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  • in reply to: How to Remove items from Awaiting Upload #15282
    Mike McAdams

    Thanks for the Reply:     Still a little confused.    The items stuck in Awaiting Upload may not be listed again for a few months.    Sorry to be so naive.   Seems I’m not using Sixbit as it is designed.   I’m using it like the old Turbo Lister and currently just using Ebay’s 250 free listings per month and setting them to expire in 28 – 29 days.   I use 28-29 rather than 30 days because I have had issues several times with Agent NOT running on day 30 and having all last months items relist automatically thus being charged by Ebay for 250 X  $0.35  since I had already listed my next 250 Free for the month.     After Tax Season and some revision I do intend to again begin adding lots of new items and take on an Ebay second level store where all my listings will run and then renew automatically.

    If I drag them to  “Previously listed” ,   do they remain in my Repository of items that I can choose from later ?   That would by like an Item that I list this month that does not sell ?    Or are they gone from Repository ?

    Is what appears in the Awaiting Upload file just a Copy of whats still in the Repository so I can just DELETE them in the Awaiting Upload Folder and the original will remain in repository for later use when I choose to use them ?

    Why don’t they disappear when I highlight them and choose  “Remove from all awaiting upload lists”  ?   That option seems un-functional.

    Thanks for the help.



    in reply to: How to Remove Items from Upload List #15089
    Mike McAdams

    With 74 items to do I tried the batch edit and it worked.  Thank you.   There are so many features in sixbit its overwhelming.

    I dont use sixbit the way most do.   I have reduced my exposure on ebay from a premium store a few years ago.  I have 1600+ items in repository.   I run about 250 a month on 29 days time.   Then a different 250 next month.     I move sold items to a separate folder.

    Thank you again.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Mike McAdams.
    Mike McAdams

    Well all continued to run and function.    Ebay finally let me know they found no problem with the listings and said it must be in my listing program.

    I am sending a new group of 275 in the next day or two. They all Pass CD check  so,  will see what happens.

    Mike McAdams

    Got another 35 done today between other work  –   they do disappear from the failed revision list but not from the Ebay Violation list.  Waiting for Ebay reply since there is nothing notated anywhere and its not obvious what the violation is.

    Mike McAdams

    Very Puzzled   –  I have 264 listings running on Ebay.

    224 were showing as Failed Revision even though I did not do a “revise”.     I went thru the listings and all have required item specifics and quite complete “recommended specifics”  along with SOME “additional specifics”  used when applicable.

    230 were showing as Ebay Violations –  again with no obvious issues or reason given.    Odd that they are still appearing on Ebay for sale as I listed them.  On ebay there is no error message in the header.  All tested OK before listing.

    All my items have photos in required dimensions in 6Bit  but a number of my listings say there is an issue with my gallery photo and no photo is appearing.  Strange, as I know they were there at the time of listing otherwise the listing would not have been accepted. It appears that only about 50 of the error / violations are a disappeared photo issue.   The photos are there in 6bit.

    Its after 1 AM here after a long day and must get to bed  – but I am finding that, on the other revision error /Ebay violations, that if I just open the listing and click “revise” nothing changes.      BUT, if I just open the listing from the Revision Failed  or  Ebay Violation View – then click on Store category  and then back to Item Specifics — then change postage preset to another and back — open description, click anywhere in it and close it –  change to another condition and back –  change my description wrapper and change back — then click revise,  that the other ones are disappearing from the list.

    Only 210 to go to fix this months listings  –  but unfortunately I have 250 listings to use up before the end of the month.  The 250 I planned to use all test OK in 6bit check listing feature –   but so did these when I listed them.   I had no similar issues in my past couple months use.  This group ends in 6 days.  I’m worried I will now have to do this to 250 every month.


    in reply to: Listing Ebay Items outside Sixbit – what happens ? #14247
    Mike McAdams

    I must be doing something wrong –   All the items sold still show Quantity to List = 1 in repository folders.

    So I spent some time today and created a new parent folder in 6B with a child folder for  Sold items. I went back and reviewed all my sales , changed their quantities to Zeros and moved the sold items out of their active folders into the new Sold Folder.


    in reply to: Listing Ebay Items outside Sixbit – what happens ? #14244
    Mike McAdams

    Thank You –  That worked !

    My statements you quoted, it seems were misunderstood.  My statement was not about Sourcing of products etc.

    I have 1600 items in my workflow / repository.  95% are Quantity 1.   I only run 250 – 500 of my listings at a time as 30 day listings by listing folders of products from the repository.    When an item sells it remains in the repository folder.  Thus, then could get relisted the next time that folder of stuff is listed even though its gone.

    Thats why it seemed to me like 6B is designed for a user who runs all their items – all the time and runs them  until sold  ( GTC) like Ebay wants.   If you did that, the status of your items in the folders would not matter.

    After just two months and not even having run half of my items I already have that confusion happening.  A year down the road, searching thru folders trying to sort what items to run from those that are available vs. those already sold before submitting leaves large probability for such errors to occur.

    The only reason I dont just delete them when sold is the thought that I may have another as I sort through more boxes or attain another collection.  I have inventory from the last three of my stores in boxes.

    Thanks for the help –  Much appreciated !

    in reply to: Listing Ebay Items outside Sixbit – what happens ? #14231
    Mike McAdams

    Hey John  –  My Outside 6B Listing has not shown up yet after making the setting change days ago.

    Does the detail that,  its a listing with variations make a difference  ?

    I tried to use 6B to create the listing but could not most likely due to my not using 6B as its designed ??

    6B seems designed more for business’s selling  products that are re-stocked with products that a re-ordered  with attempt to sell from maintained inventory.   I am selling from Boxes of owned inventory and items Found.    At the age of 70 I’m torn between being proud of what I have collected and obtained  and ashamed of how much stuff I have.    I am trying hard to NOT attain more  stuff and only to reduce what I have.  Thus my use of 6B seems different that its design.


    in reply to: Help Please – Am I doing this right ? #14230
    Mike McAdams

    Thank You  for the Suggestion.     These two computers are not connected to each other / 6B via network etc  so its the only computer showing in the agent box. I’m thinking that will allow the shop installation to work as a workstation.

    I set up 6B on my main computer.    I then installed the 6B program on the shop computer.   I really only wanted the Templates – Page Layouts – Grid Layouts etc. on the shop computer but the only way I could see to get them was to use a backup from the main computer and restore it to the shop computer.   Along with the restore came the items in my workflow / repository.

    I only intend to use the shop installation to Create New Listings.  Most of the time – creation of new items will be on the Main Computer.   BUT.. there are days when I spend hours in the shop and will create a group of new listings that I will Export to a thumb drive and transfer to the main computer.     Once Completed I will delete them from the shop computer.  I have created a test listing with photos and transferred it successfully.   ( Yay  !! )

    Knowing that the two computers are not connected  ( they are on the same internet connection  but not connected).    I think that removes any risk that contamination or effect to the main computer if inventory is removed  ??

    I really appreciate the help and information that I have received here.  It’s hard to say and I hate adding this as an excuse for my incompetence but,   I turn 70 this year and I’m just not grasping new stuff like I used to.  The options in this program even at the home and hobby level are immense !



    in reply to: Help Please – Am I doing this right ? #14219
    Mike McAdams

    Sorry if my post was long and confusing.

    In my post –  I did state that “I realized that Transferring the database back and forth was an option”  but that I wrote it off realizing the potential for disaster and confusion.       I also stated that  “I have successfully created items on the Shop computer and imported them via thumb drive Csv to the Main Computer. ”

    My question and worry is  –  The only way I could see how to get my presets – templates  – Grid Layouts etc from the main computer onto the shop computer was to restore a copy of my main database to the shop computer.   Now that its there, I would like to delete all the inventory items from the shop computer that came with that installation of the database.   I wont be using them on the Shop Computer.

    I will need to keep the shop computer connected to the internet / ebay in order to keep specifics – categories – etc current for the items I create at the Shop.     I dont want to use the shop computer for any of Sixbit’s functions except to create new items, export them to thumb drive Csv, and delete them after successfully importing them to the main computer.

    When I do delete all the inventory items from the shop computer    –  Sixbit in its connection to Ebay will continue to acquire Running items – Completed items –  Ship items  –  Fulfilled etc if I am connected to Ebay.  Right ?    Can  I just let those pile up and ignore them ?     There is no option to delete or block them.   I do use the Running – Completed  – Ship and Fulfilled  type Sixbit features on the Main Computer.   I dont want to mess that up.   Could there be some problem because of the shop computer  communicating with Ebay and receiving the Running – Completed etc  data ?

    Hope that clarifies my dilemma.   Again sorry if my first post was confusing.   I dont  use Sixbit in the Conventional way that I’m sure many do.   Thus its a rather hard to explain issue.

    Thanks again.   MIKE

    in reply to: Networking with Multi Users & Remote Access #14184
    Mike McAdams

    Thanks to all   –  Sorry to have stole the thread.

    Yes – Thumb drive was the plan  –  I was not aware that it was OK to put SixBit on two computers.   That’s how I used to work Turbo Lister in two places.

    Much appreciate all the  help  –


    in reply to: Networking with Multi Users & Remote Access #14174
    Mike McAdams

    My Database is just under One Gig.       Would you share how large yours has become that has made transferring it an issue  ?

    That solution might just work fine for me.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Networking with Multi Users & Remote Access #14171
    Mike McAdams

    I was just typing my similar question in Notepad and opened this forum to post it when I saw your post.

    I have only been using SixBit for just under 2 months and I’m still very confused about many features and actions to use Sixbit like I used to use Turbo Lister.   I too have the need to work from home and shop.  Turbo Lister was able to run on both computers and I would transfer shop work to home  computer via Thumb Drive Csv.    I too struggle with network knowledge limitations.   I will keep watching and will post again if I learn more in the meantime.

    I see that  Team Viewer  and  TightVNC  are other remote connection offerings that are Free.   ( as well as Microsoft  and Google  )


    Mike McAdams

    Thanks  –  Yes its a little overwhelming.    One by One I have been mastering things.  I have a first group of stuff that I submitted ending in a couple weeks and I think I will learn a lot when that happens.  Thats still a big open end for me.   Shane was great for my calls during the 30 day trial.  Not sure I would have made it this far without him.

    Thanks Again


    in reply to: Expanded Pictures Blinking #14137
    Mike McAdams

    Yes  –  4.00.149

    I upgraded tonight –

    Am I correct that the pictures no longer expand unless you Double Click on the photo with the little radioactive lollipop to open the picture editor ?

    No Flickering –  Thanks



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