I don’t care much for this forum either, and have only been here a few times at most. The other forum was sooooo much better.
From the old SixBit forum:
http://forums.sixbitsoftware.com/index.php?/topic/4934-re-ordering-alphebetizing-store-categories/?hl=%2Bcategories+%2Balphabetical#entry25305 or http://forums.sixbitsoftware.com/index.php?/topic/5860-sorting-store-categories-in-sixbits/?hl=%2Bebay+%2Bstore+%2Bcategories+%2Bare+%2Bnot+%2Bin+%2Balphabetical+%2Border#entry30777
There are a lot of answers still to be found on the old forum – you will have to sign in there also
Better, and I may come here once in awhile now.
I still like the old board better, and Gary’s suggestion would make it easier to follow the different header topics.
Just got back from a nice vacation, updated to current Beta, and just happened to find this new forum. Interesting to say the least. I’ll give it awhile to sink in, but for starters, I don’t care for the light green color.
I also don’t like the light green, (maybe a dark green or dark blue?) would work better