I just made the entire forum publicly viewable. This means you can check out everything that has been posted without having to sign in. If you do want to ask or answer a question, a link at the bottom with your stored userid/password can be clicked to logon quickly. Hope this helps.
If you go to the Views tab in Sell Items, there is an “Available to List, Unlisted on Etsy” filter. Will that work?
When decrementing the price, you can choose to decrement by “a fixed amount” or “a percentage” from the dropdown. If you choose a percentage, then you can set the percentage to drop. The floor price however will always be in currency.
To apply this to 40,000 items, you would create an Allocation Plan with the correct settings, and then do a batch change of the Allocation Plan on the items you want to use the new floor price.
You are probably missing your zip code from the Origin settings on one of your profiles. Go to File|Manage|Profile and make sure the Origin section has a zip code entered.
We’ve seen this come up a few times. eBay has been making some slight modifications to the compatibilities catalog. For example, recently, in a Ford Focus the 4 cylinder engine description changed something like this “2.4l 4 cyl. engine” to “2.4l 147ci 4 cyl. engine”. The old values created in the compatibility set get flagged when trying to send to eBay. The best thing to do at this point is to just rebuild the compatibility set using the latest definition.
This only affects eBay Motors listings.
The 27502 error occurs when SQL Server had an install issue for one reason or another. The KB article at https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/clients/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=4 explains some things to try, but since you are in the first 30 days, you can submit a support ticket to request assistance and we can remotely connect and help you with the installation.
This isn’t something we are working on, but I will add it to the request list for consideration.
I extended the amount of time for the singon timeout. It should now go up to 2 days without requiring a login as long as you don’t close your browser. Can you try it to see if you notice a difference.
I made some email changes last week. Are you still getting emails? If so, can you tell me which topics you are getting them for and what the subject of the email is.
It could be an issue with the agent. Try rebooting and checking https://www.sixbitsoftware.com:8080/robohelp/robo/server/general/projects/SixBit%20SB%20User%20Guide/Troubleshooting_the_SixBit_Agent.htm for agent troubleshooting.
Ok, I started digging to see if there were other options, but to be honest, I’m having a hard time understanding why everyone thinks this forum is so different. Everything I look at is similar to this including our old forum. Here are some examples..
The list of all topics from the old and new forum are in the attached pictures NewForum1 and OldForum1. They both show the list of topics grouped by category.
NewForum2 and OldForum2 show one of the categories opened.
NewForum3 and OldForum3 show one of the open topics.
Now granted, there are some display differences, but the basic structure of the forums are the same. Other forums I’ve looked at are similar to these. I’m trying to find another option, but they all seem to have this same general functionality and layout.
Can you explain specifically what it is that you don’t like about this forum software?
We’ve covered this several times in the past. The old forum software had several issues.
– We could not keep 10-20 spammers a day from signing up.
– It required a separate login from the website and new users were constantly confused about why their website login didn’t work on the forum.
– It required users to go away from our website. It was a separate page and did not maintain the website menu at the top of the page.
– That software did not provide a version that could be integrated into our site.
Also, as mentioned earlier, things are much more solid now. Not like in the old days. Betas are far more limited now and issues in a beta affect far fewer people. They are also fixed faster. We also have other means to communicate with all users when we need to tell them about an issue and don’t necessarily need the forum for that anymore.
The forum is great for answering “how to” questions, or sharing business tips, but it is not a good way to support bugs. We have a proper channel and process for helping users with bugs and issues. They’re called Support Tickets. By creating a support ticket, all of the information about an issue is kept in a common thread. That thread won’t get hijacked by someone else. The first available support person will respond to it after each user response. It is a common location where all of our support personnel can concentrate on answering questions.
If we debugged issues on the forums, then support personnel would have to split their time between the ticket queue and the boards. You may also not realize this but most users who post an issue on the board also open up a ticket at the same time. They are trying all avenues to see which one answers first. For bugs and issues, we simply have to process them through a single channel.
I found another setting that was notifying post creators when something was added or changed in a thread. I’ve disabled all of these notices.
If you really want, I can turn the old forum on for you guys to use, but we won’t be visiting it, and we’ll still be keeping the current integrated forum. Would you like that forum available for your own use?
On the Check Listings mode, under the Running Status, you can group by Site to see all the Etsy listings together.
Here it is…
So, is the problem that you want double blank lines between paragraphs? If so, have you tried entering two ALT+ENTER’s?
I just added this as an option. In beta 3.00.149 or later, you will have a User Permission to “Allow user to submit scheduled listings that incur a charge”. This will let you turn it off for yourself or for any of your employees.