Hi Albertine,
Please open a support ticket and we’ll take a look at the issue. Also, make sure you upgrade to the latest version, 3.00.346.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Jovita is correct, the 345 beta will fix this issue. The UI Binding for the Returns Accepted field was broken in 344.
John Manning, Senior Developer
The 3.00.345 version has the fix for the Returns Accepted field in presets. The UI was always displaying this as checked, regardless of the actual field in the database. Likewise it wouldn’t update the database, so there would be no affect on your presets or the values sent to eBay.
John Manning, Senior Developer
‘Get’ is the operative word. We can see that Private was set on a listing, but can no longer ‘Set’ it.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Peter,
eBay added Rate Tables for eBay seller accounts to give you more options for both Domestic and International Regions. If you’re on the latest version, 3.00.344, you will need to convert your shipping presets to Seller Account based ones (File|Options|Creating Items|Use eBay seller account specific shipping presets.)
The Rate tables will need to be created in My Ebay, then you can pull them in with the File|Refresh|Synch Aux. Data function in Sixbit. They can then be selected in your Presets to provide the necessary Shipping Options on your listings.
If you’re already using eBay Business Policies in Sixbit, you’ll just have add the Rate tables on eBay and update the Policies there.
John Manning, Senior Developer
To revert to a previous version, you would need a backup created with that version. Database schema changes would prevent the old program from working with the new database. You would also lose any work done since that backup, but Orders should come in exactly as they appear on eBay. Any Sixbit notes on them would be lost. Listings also should come in, but using manual presets and no Description Wrappers.
I would recommend against it as more Return policy changes are due to be enforced in August, (warnings are out now) so 3.00.085 wouldn’t be able to list/revise at that point if you’re using Payment Presets in Sixbit with a Return policy specified. You will need to be on our next version, 3.00.344 or later.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Robert,
We’ve had to upgrade our interface to the eBay Trading API to access the new product identifier requirements. Part of the upgrade removes the Private option.
From their Docs:
PrivateListing Field in ItemType Deprecated
The PrivateListing field has been deprecated and removed from the WSDL with Version 1045. It should no longer be used in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls. This field will still get returned in ‘Get’ calls until it is fully wired off around July 2019.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Scott,
Are you using eBay’s Business Policies or our Presets?
The policies can be edited in My eBay and only selected by name in the Sixbit Edit Item or Revise LIstings window.
Presets can be edited directly in Sixbit. Return settings are included in the Payment Presets in Sixbit.
Editing a Preset
John Manning, Senior Developer
We’ll want to take a look at your databases to make sure they aren’t missing any indexes. Open a support ticket and provide us with the details of where the slowness is occurring, which grid, which view. (ie. Sell Items -available to list, unlisted on ebay)
We should be able to diagnose with a remote session, or ask you to submit the database for further testing.
John Manning, Senior Developer
The check item page check should have returned more details for the 240. The Submission Error field in the grid/sidebar should also provide more information on the warning message.
Are you running a current version, 3.00.310 or later?
SYI is always good as a last resort, but their API should have returned these details to Sixbit.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Clark,
SixBit shouldn’t bring these in. The SiteID should limit the import to only eBay US and the ecommerceid is the same for all. The inventory should be keyed off the US item, but from the sounds of that post, eBay selling limits aren’t taking that into consideration.
I’m not sure if we’ll be able to retrieve Orders correctly for these Items if they’re coming from another Site. Probably best to take them up on the offer to end those listings for you and opt out of their service.
John Manning, Senior Developer
This relates to the JPEG compression ratio set with a slider in the Options window. (File|Options|Pictures|Automation tab) The current full and beta releases have set the minimum compression to 91 instead of 90 to avoid a rounding issue. You can either upgrade to the latest full version, 3.00.310 or set the Option setting in your current version to 91.
After that, you can re-add the picture to Sixbit and revise the listing.
John Manning, Senior Developer
You’ll need to select these Listings in Check Listings mode and reschedule. Sixbit will only try to submit scheduled listings within 15 minutes of their scheduled time.
If you use eBay Scheduling , it will submit them immediately to eBay and they will make them active at the specified time.
For SixBit to post scheduled listings, the computer that is running the Agent must be on and have an internet connection at the time of the scheduled listings.
Ensure that the computer with the Agent stays on during the listing time and that it does not go into Sleep mode. This can be verified by going to Control Panel|System and Security|Power Options. Select “Change when the computer sleeps” and make sure it is set to Never.
If the computer running the Agent is not the same computer that is hosting the database, then also ensure that the network is operational at the time of the listing submission. If either the host computer or the computer running the Agent go to sleep, then the submissions will not occur.
John Manning, Senior Developer
We’ve tracked this down and corrected it for the next beta, 3.00.334 or later.
John Manning, Senior Developer
That is correct, Sixbit only supports Parts and Accessories, not Vehicles.
John Manning, Senior Developer