
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Could someone give an update on eCommerce store feature? #9627
    John Manning
    in reply to: Earlier today Sixbit 3.01.052 Briefly Frooze up #9522
    John Manning

    Other than a license check on startup, it shouldn’t be reaching out to anything other than the Site Refreshes every 15 minutes. Did an automatic backup kick off at that time?

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Self-Hosting Photos VS ebay Picture Services #9508
    John Manning

    Hi Owen,

    I wouldn’t waste time with the metadata. We added it due to user request, but Google doesn’t specify that this helps searches at all. If you are selling items that are in the eBay catalog, you’d be better served using EPIDs to link to the static eBay Product Pages for better exposure outside of eBay Search.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Problem with custom end 30 days- eBay charges relist fee #9496
    John Manning

    Select the Listing in Check Listings, click Revise|Set Custom Duration and enter 0. That should keep the agent from auto ending it.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Sixbit & switching to eBay Payments VS PayPal #9495
    John Manning

    Hi Owen,

    None of your noted procedures would change. The only issues we’ve seen so far is Payment Method being set to Other on the Order (eBay is working on returning the exact methods) and the lack of the Payment Processing fee (.39) being returned to us for Profit Loss Reports. If you don’t use P & L in Sixbit, you should be fine.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Custom fields on Etsy sales #9484
    John Manning

    We’ll get this fixed for the next beta.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Etsy fees not being picked up #9483
    John Manning

    Hi Bob,

    Could you open a ticket for this one? We may need some examples to check the fees.


    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Could someone give an update on eCommerce store feature? #9482
    John Manning

    Shopify support will be out in beta soon. If you want to notified by email, open a ticket with support with the topic of “Shopify Beta” and we’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready for testing.


    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Website Integration #9481
    John Manning

    More information on integration here: https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/forums/topic/could-someone-give-an-update-on-ecommerce-store-feature/

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: 3.01.050 – Batch Change and Feedback issues #9463
    John Manning

    Ebay made a recent change to Feedback to set the Comment time back on all feedback in a quarter to the first day of every quarter. Since our refreshes are based on handling comments since the last refresh, it broke our feedback refresh. We’ll be putting out a fix today to change it from date based to item based. It will make it slower with the extra checking, but it should work.

    The temporary current workaround is to go to File|Options|Refreshes|Refresh Dates and set the Feedback refresh to the last day of the previous quarter. In this case 3/31/2019. The next hourly feedback refresh, or manual feedback refresh will pull in the missing feedback.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Symbols for quick-search or grid-search? #9442
    John Manning

    The link should work now.


    John Manning, Senior Developer

    John Manning

    We’ll be putting out a hotfix (3.01.038) today to address this issue. The Agent task to end will now check every 15 minutes and the Auto End Date will be set back an hour when a custom duration is set. It won’t change any of the current Auto End dates automatically, but if you use the Set Duration function in Check Listings it will set the date correctly. So if you previously set them to 30, doing it again to the running listings will set the Auto End Date to 29 days, 23 hours from the Start Date.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Symbols for quick-search or grid-search? #9402
    John Manning

    The quick search doesn’t, but filter row searching does support multiple filtering methods. https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/EN/Searching_Within_a_Grid.htm

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by John Manning.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by John Manning.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by John Manning.
    in reply to: eBay Managed Payments support? #9384
    John Manning

    Hi Courtney,

    Once you are opted in to managed payments, you won’t need to send any further payment methods from Sixbit. Unless you also want to offer PayPal, which isn’t currently supported. Once a buyer pays, the Order will come in as Paid to Sixbit with a payment type of “Other”. The only part missing is eBay returning the payment processing fee for the transaction, but we’ve put in a request for this to be added. This will only affect you if you use Sixbit for Profit/Loss reports which would need to include that fee when calculating the true profit on a Sale.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    in reply to: Can we have the Watermarks feature reinstated ? #9370
    John Manning

    This is the latest info we have regarding watermarks from Fall 2017:

    Note that eBay’s Picture Policy has not changed, and that watermarks are still not permitted per the policy. If you are a provider, please do not offer watermarking capabilities on images that you pass in picture fields

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by John Manning.
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