The color coding should match the workflow status from Workflow tab. Reddish for Under Construction, light blue for Awaiting Upload.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Barry,
Other than possibly using a template instead of duplication as an option, you have it correct. Except for step 6, don’t do that unless you don’t want to revise your Listing from SixBit or handle the resulting Sale or Relist. An Item in SixBit represents the physical item in your inventory, a Listing is that item as shown on any particular site. Ebay, Etsy, Shopify, etc. So you have one Item in that case, and multiple Listings. When Orders come in from any site, the inventory is updated and reallocated if any remain, ended if not. Once an Item is listed once, it will move to Previously Listed status.
SixBit differs from Turbo Lister in that crucial way, while Turbo Lister creates the Listing on eBay and is done with that item, SixBit keeps it throughout the life cycle, since it is a complete listing management tool, not just a lister. Some TL users only use one item in TL and keep relisting it with different details. Do that in SixBit would result in missing out of 2/3 of the major functionality. If you remove the Item, it will also remove the corresponding Listing from SixBit along with any Orders. In that case you won’t be able to use any of the Order reporting, such as Profit/Loss. If you change the Item you have an existing listing for in SixBit, you may trigger revisions to that Listing as well, corrupting it if it wasn’t the same thing.
Check out the Video Library for more information on Items. They should all be available in the Support tab of the program as well.
Here’s a webinar on the Item window in particular.
Hope that helps,
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Greg,
You can’t duplicate from within the Edit Item Window, but you can navigate from it. So if you select an Item in the Sell Items Grid, make the number of duplicates you want and then edit one, you will be able to navigate among them if they are in the new Under Construction view.
Also, rather than duplicating, you can save one as a template, which will then appear in the dropdown of the Add toolbar button in Sell Items, allowing you to create a new one pre-populated with that information.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Barry,
You would lose any work you’ve done in SixBit. I’d recommend using a preset since you’ve already gone ahead and set those up.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Barry,
The fix was with the value getting set incorrectly on the import. You would need to delete the Items and re-import to see the fix.
Other than that, you would need to create a preset with the correct values and assign that to your existing Items with Batch Change.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Barry,
I suspect the picture directory may need to be created first on the new computer. Could you open a support ticket and we should be able to help you with a remote session to diagnose and fix it.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Barry,
We’ve identified this issue too and it will be fixed in the new full version, 4.00.102.
John Manning, Senior Developer
If you select all 50, drop down the Edit toolbar button and choose “Batch Edit” you will have a grid with editing enabled. The main grids in SixBit are virtualized for searching and selecting to maintain speed on large data sets.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Sandy,
We were able to find the issue with the import and should have a fix out later today, 4.00.102. You can either proceed as I outlined earlier, or delete the Items in Sixbit and re-import with the new version when it’s released.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention,
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi John,
This should help you set up additional profiles for seller accounts in SixBit. The number you can use is limited by subscription level, but all versions will support at least 2.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Dan,
This looks like an issue that will require a remote session. The team should handle getting this set up via your support ticket.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Sandy,
We’re looking into the import to see where this may have defaulted to on. You can change the return policy in the SixBit Payment preset. Once you create a named preset with the correct values, you can bulk change all of your Items in Sell Items mode to use this preset as well. If you’re going to revise your running Listings, I would also check those in Check Listings mode before sending revisions up. If you need further help, open a support ticket from the program and we can help you further.
John Manning, Senior Developer
We’ll look into adding this to an upcoming release as part of the Cancel Listings functionality.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Glad to see you’re having so much success with Shopify. Let us know if there is anything that will improve the integration.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Shelly,
We’ll look into making the Enter key an option for Product Search.
The Quick Search issue is fixed in the latest full release, 4.00.101 and the upcoming beta, 4.00.122.
For descriptions, we tried this awhile back and it didn’t work well for many users. I would recommend using a default Wrapper with the font set, or creating a snippet to insert the HTML into the beginning of your description.
We will change the populate function to do that for Shopify.
What would you like to see differently in the Create Order window? We will be upgrading the Item search in there to match the Sell Item options for Quick Search. This should help adding additional items to an Manual Order.
John Manning, Senior Developer