Hi Gary,
The Mfg number should be a textbox, not a dropdown. Open a ticket with support for this one and we’ll take a look with a remote session if necessary.
Are you using Unique SKUs in SixBit? Having duplicate ASINs should be fine since the SKU is the primary check when pulling in Orders, ASIN is secondary. We can look into adding duplicate indicators for UPC and ASINs.
John Manning, Senior Developer
That is correct, since the same Item can be listed either as a fixed price or auction listing, all pricing fields are provided on the Item window, eBay tab for these. At submission, the Listing type is selected and the Listing record created with the listing type set and using the associated Item price fields.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Lee,
No, you can’t delete the Completed Listings with removing the associated Item record. Completed Listings status in Check Listing is more for reference, but not usually used for normal workflow. The Available to List and Available to List, unlisted on eBay views in Check Items would be where you find Items you would want to list or relist. If you want to see recently Completed Listings, I would suggest creating a Custom View/Advanced Search in Check Listings for Listings with the Completed Status and an End Date within X amount of days. A quick small view, customizable to your needs. Listings contain fees that are necessary for the accurate calculation of Profit/Loss and Item Performance reports, along with any associated sales that are tied to the Inventory purchase records. Likewise, if you were to delete a listing that ended, the Refresh/Import would pull these in automatically within 60 days, along with any Order that was removed and deduct them from the available Item Inventory.
Database size is usually 95% pictures, which is why we default to External Storage now. Pictures are linked to the Item records, so deleting Listings wouldn’t make much of dent in db size. With the virtualized grids, having extra Listings shouldn’t make much difference in performance. But if you have Items you no longer sell, delete those and you will free up space and remove the associated Listings and Orders.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Elizabeth,
Do you start each new listing from scratch, or do you duplicate from an existing one or use a template? Either of those options should carry over the field. Otherwise, to have it saved, you would need to save your current shipping preset information as a named preset, which can be used with multiple listings.https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/EN/Managing_Presets.htm#
The store category issue is something we would want to check out with a remote session, and we can also address the backup directory issue. We should be able to get everything resolved for you. If you could open a ticket with support through the program, they will get you set up.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi John,
Are all the pricing fields filled in correctly on the Item record to match the listing type? https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/EN/Adding_Pricing_Information_to_an_Item.htm
If it’s not starting price, make sure BIN and Reserve don’t also have invalid prices. 0.00 if fine if you don’t use them. Possibly even a Best Offer field, although those error messages are usually more direct.
For the second issue, could you attach a screenshot of your shipping preset, both the domestic and intl. tabs? This error is usually only shown if you’re providing the same service in domestic twice or intl. twice. It’s also fine for Intl. twice if the regions don’t overlap.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Stephen,
Are you still unable to log in to the website?
John Manning, Senior Developer
It’s out now in the 4.00.132 beta. Just set the option to use grid sort for pick lists and then sort your Orders by ProductID prior to printing. You can save a Grid Layout view that has Order specified to save you that step.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Cora,
Yes, they both include the ProductID. The Pick list is ordered by Storage location by default, but there is an option to allow ordering by the Grid sort order. Currently that only supports Title, ItemID and SKU values, but I can include ProductID as one of the allowed grid sorts for the next beta.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Jim,
We’ve seen this issue with a few users and one workaround that seems to work for many was to select each Item in the TL grid. You don’t need to edit them, but it just select one and navigate with the arrow keys through the rest. This restores the pictures so they can be exported in the CSV file. Try that first.
If that doesn’t work, open a support ticket with us and we’ll try other methods of bring in your pictures.
John Manning, Senior Developer
We’ve seen this issue in a few cases and added a fix in for the latest beta versions. For a workaround with the full version, open the Edit Item Window , dropdown the little save disk icon in the upper right of the window and choose “Reset to factory layout”, this should restore the Business Policy tab in the lower half of the window.
Let us know if you still have issues.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Ideally, you would set up a remote connection or screenconnect session to control your work computer from home if you weren’t able to actually connect to the same SQL database as another client. Barring that, you would need to take a backup of the other database and restore it to your home SQL instance. Once it’s restored, you can connect to your usual home database with SixBit and use the function to Import Database Settings from File|Database menu to bring in those presets from the work SixBit database.
Another method would be to import a running listing that has these settings from eBay, and then create a named preset out of the imported “Manual” preset.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Terry,
Could you open a ticket with our team from the support tab in the program? They may need to fix this issue with a remote session.
John Manning, Senior Developer
The counter should be fine. You shouldn’t see these warnings with the latest releases.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Christopher,
This sounds like an issue we just fixed in version 4.00.107. You should be able to download that from the client area downloads on the website, or directly from the support tab in SixBit. If you still see an issue, open a support ticket and we’ll get it resolved for you.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Walter,
If you create a named Shipping Preset with the Flat Shipping Rule checked, you can assign it to multiple Items/Listings with Batch Change.
John Manning, Senior Developer