Hi Alexander,
You can use either an Item Folder or create an Item Workflow substatus in Previously Listed. I would recommend the substatus, so you can still use the folders for non-workflow uses later.
First, create the substatus by right clicking on the Previously Listed Status, choosing “Add” and give the substatus a name, like “Out of Stock” or “Awaiting Restock”. Now that the substatus is created, go to the Check Listings Mode and select your OOS listings in the grid, right click and “Goto Items for these Listings” which will take you to the associated Items. You can select them all and drag them into the substatus from there. Now, go back to Check Listings, select your Listings and use the “Cancel” toolbar button to end them in bulk. They should move to the Completed Listings status, but now the Items are grouped in the Substatus where you can list them again once they are restocked.
Before doing the whole batch, try it with a couple to make sure everything is working as you expect.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Robert,
We’ll take a look at this and get back to you.
John Manning, Senior Developer
It can take quite a few minutes, as the file is quite large. We’ll have to add some status indicator to it, so you can see the progress.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Robert,
We’ll look into adding this.
John Manning, Senior Developer
We can add the ability to edit the note from the sidebar. If you’re doing batches, I would still recommend batch change, where you have the added options to Append or Prepend to existing notes, rather than just setting Notes which could wipe any existing notes. Saving a batch change definition or two could speed up the process further.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Greg,
Restoring the database should have restored the Picture Storage setting too. You can check and change the setting if necessary in File|Options|Pictures, Management tab. Try restarting SixBit once the correct setting is confirmed.
If this doesn’t work, open a ticket with the support team and they should be able to help you.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi James,
If you’re updating SixBit with a CSV, are you including the fulfillment source along with the reconcileto value? It should only work on the fulfillment source provided, so if you’re using “self” and “drop shipping”, you’d need to include the one you are setting.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Did you open a support ticket? That should be able to be resolved with a remote session.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Yes, depending on the label you’re using there can be a Notes box showing and you can use that space. I would suggest customizing one to make it work with variations and once that works, it should work for both. Make sure the data length is long enough to accommodate the longer number of characters in the variation SKU.
John Manning, Senior Developer
You should be able to edit the Inventory label in File|Options|Reports to make the barcode box larger. With Variation Items, the SKU is usually auto-generated and would be longer than your standard SKU. The labels have a text box named “barcode1” that you can move and resize to make sure it can expand to the width of the label. If you’re not using the Notes box on your label, you can can remove or decrease the size of that if necessary.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Timothy,
Unfortunately not, we just store it in one field. If you had multiple Items with an MPN each, they could be imported into ProductID as part of a Variation Item.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Henry,
These settings get hidden if you’re opted into Managed Payments on eBay, as they can’t be sent in that case. Did you opt in on eBay, and complete the setup for Managed Payments in My Ebay?
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Robert,
Are you on one of the latest versions, full or beta? It looks like this was switched to business days in v. 4.00.136.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Yes, all listing information is stored on your computer in a database. The pictures can be included in the database or stored in a local picture folder.
If you export to CSV from Items mode, the field for description is “Ebay Description”. If you use other sites such as Etsy or Shopify, they will have their own description fields.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Thanks for reporting this, we’ll make sure that option is disabled for Variation listings.
John Manning, Senior Developer