Hi Elizabeth,
An upgrade won’t remove data, but your path to the database may have reverted to a default one. The database should still be there intact. Open a support ticket and we should be able to get you squared away with a remote session.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Yes, with the recent changes on eBay if you don’t provide a VAT percent for SixBit to send to eBay, they will tack it on at a default rate. You can add it to an Item template and create all of your new items from that so it will be set automatically, or set it on each Item.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Michael,
We’re currently reworking the Promoted Listings functionality and it should be released in a beta. We’ll announce when it’s out for testing prior to the full release, probably within a month or two.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Mike,
The setting in File|Options|Refreshes, Refreshing tab, “When refreshing, automatically create new items…” controls whether Items are pulled in with an automatic refresh. This also applies to Orders on your account, if an Order comes in, no Listing and Item exists in SixBit, it will be created for you.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Export to CSV for Items should include the “Ebay Description” field. Also, you should be able to use the “Populate from” function in the Edit Item window to populate the etsy description from the ebay one. It should be on the Etsy tab.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Owen,
This is due to the nature of Orders and Sales. Each sale record is linked to an Item record, and a Shipment contains 1 or more Sales. An Order can contain 1 or more Shipments. So the Orders grid will only show one line in the Grid view for Orders, and you’ll only see the first sale Custom field.
To see the per sale custom fields, try using the Sales Analysis window, remove the OrderID grouping, group by your custom field and save that as a custom grid layout. That should work for you.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Antony,
Were you able to get help with a support session?
John Manning, Senior Developer
I’ll take a look at this.
John Manning, Senior Developer
We’ll look into adding this.
John Manning, Senior Developer
The embedded browser is program that displays the release notes is crashing on the new User’s guide formatting. We should have a 4.00.205 version out today to remedy that. As Timothy mentioned, you can download the latest version from the website after logging in. https://www.sixbitsoftware.com/clients/index.php/download
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Mike,
The link should be restored now.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Thanks for the feedback, we’ll look to incorporate them into the inventory tracking and reporting system.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Elizabeth,
Try running them through the Check Item preview, it should provide more details on the 240 error. Ebay tends to group all new errors under the 240 header, and provide better details in the longer error descriptions. On any Item that fails submission or listing that fails revision, it should also be saved with that Item/Listing. Make sure the Item/Listing right sidebar is expanded and it should show you more of the error message.
More details should also be in the program event log. If you need help tracking down the details, open a support ticket and our team can remote connect to diagnose the issue.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Regional Box A will be in the next version, 4.00.204. B and C are still listed as not valid.
John Manning, Senior Developer
Hi Mike,
The variations tab should be visible if the Item was created with Variations. If it’s an existing Item that’s been listed, you wouldn’t be able to change it to a Variation Item without creating a new Item. So if you start with a new Item and check the “Use Variations” checkbox, it should walk you through the process of creating a variation Item. Once created, the Variations tab will be visible.
John Manning, Senior Developer