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  • in reply to: Amazon Variations with multiple offers? #7001
    Dirk Martin

    Maybe instead, I should ask…..

    Does Sixbit officially support Amazon variations?


    Does Sixbit officially support multiple SKU’s per ASIN, from Amazon?

    Dirk Martin

    Well, it looks like a fix for this, didn’t make it into .290

    Dirk Martin

    Well, first off, that help file link you provided, didn’t explain at all what Scarcity Level does.

    Is setting the Scarcity Level to zero, the same as unchecking Variant in Use ?
    I realize they are different, but are the results the same?

    in reply to: How ’bout some love up here, John? #6998
    Dirk Martin

    Support tickets….should be used for any technical issues with the program

    What’s the intent of this board, if not to discuss technical issues?
    Is there a Pie Bakers forum I missed?
    Where’s the Fishing forum?

    All kidding aside, yes, I realize, John, that tickets come first, but I know you guys are up here from time to time, and I’m simply asking for some knowledge sharing on my unanswered questions.

    Now, if the discussion of technical issues is forbidden up here…..just let me know….

    in reply to: Item Description not loading at eBay #6997
    Dirk Martin

    Damn…..not good…..
    My descriptions are uploading fine, and I’m on the latest beta.
    However, on the prev. beta, my descriptions were uploading fine, too.

    I have had text disappear, when I’m low on RAM.
    I’m sure you’ve tried a fresh reboot, when your RAM is pretty much at its max…..

    Other than that, since you can get your wrappers to work, I’d exploit the hell out of those.
    I’ve found wrappers so helpful, that I try to have zero text that is not in wrappers.
    I even made a custom field called [listing specific], so that I could make each listing individual.

    I know it may not seem normal, to use wrappers only, but is that a possibility for you?

    Dirk Martin

    Reed, has .290 solved this?

    in reply to: How can SB tell us if inventory is low? #6989
    Dirk Martin

    Sounds simple enough.
    I think that’ll work just fine.
    Just to point out, to other readers, the actual two field names are: “Quantity Uncommitted” and “Restock At Level”

    in reply to: Problem with listing items with variations #6985
    Dirk Martin

    Joe, did you ever get this working?

    in reply to: Anyone using Sixbit with Amazon with variations? #6984
    Dirk Martin

    Wow…no replies.
    Says a lot.

    Dirk Martin

    MOE, There are a great many reasons to end a listing manually — not only due to items being no longer available.
    To send them to a different filter and/or automatically retire those items would be an imposition for most users, imo.

    I fully agree.

    in reply to: Website Integration #6981
    Dirk Martin

    We’re still fighting with Sixbit totally messing up Amazon variations, and that’s still ahead of non-ASIN listing creation.
    I wouldn’t get your hopes up. I mean, how long ago did SB release AZ support? And variations still don’t work….

    That alone has created a nightmare for us, on Amazon, so I sure hope they plan on getting that rock solid, before working on eCommerce sites….

    And then, when it comes to non-ASIN creation….I’m not aware of a single person that’s had even one new Amazon listing created from SB.

    So, don’t hold your breath on Webstore support, IMHO

    Dirk Martin

    Is this the recommended steps?

    1. Find the listing in Running
    2. Cancel it, and then choose either option from the popup
    3. Wait 1/2 hr or so, for the listing to actually end on AZ, and thus remove from the Pending folder
    4. Go to the Items grid, and delete it there

    Step 3 is really a hit on productivity. Of course, nobody is gonna sit around and wait for that 1/2 hour, or 10 minutes, or whatever it takes, but regardless, this forces us to “have to remember” which items we need to go back and delete.

    How about this?
    3a. Create a subfolder under Item Repository called something like “Items to delete”
    3b. Move item to that folder
    4. After Pending folder is empty, delete the Items in that new folder

    That should work, and also keep things organized, would you agree John?

    in reply to: How do allocations sync with Amazon? #6979
    Dirk Martin

    John, even a sale?
    A sale will trigger an allocation update?

    So, what happens if inventory quantity in SB is zero, and we go out to Amazon, and enter 10?
    What happens upon the next sale?

    in reply to: Will item import relist an inactive item on Ebay? #6978
    Dirk Martin

    Not quite sure I understand….

    Is that issue that you are struggling with keeping items listed on eBay, after they expire in 30 days?
    You’re wanting SB to relist them automatically, with your remaining inventory count?

    in reply to: Problem with custom sku’s Ebay HELP #6977
    Dirk Martin

    Are you able to change the SKU’s on eBay, before you import them?
    SKU’s must indeed be unique in SB. If you can change the SKU on eBay, change the dups, delete all the items in SB, and reimport.

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