That one made sense, thank you.
When I did a new download 1.5 years agoo and stored all pictures outside SixBit, all my new listings started with SKU TB- and a number. So I could made a difference with prior made listings because the ItemID’s and SKU’s were not lining up. Under Pictures|Automation I have only the first of 5 boxes checked, so I need to make sure I name my pictures (as I did not check the box in Managament).
Could not find a part of the path ‘Z:\3f6b08d18f8c\20220622_1413-02_thm.jpg’.
Is another one. It tells me I made the picture 2022 – 06 – 22 at 14.13 pm. I’m missing more of those (also the JPG). When I check Z:\3f6b08d18f8c, the picture is actually there. But with my loads of listings I don’t have a clue what listing it belongs to. Is there any option to search by names of the pictures?
And; should I switch to automatic naming by SixBit? So far this worked well for me…
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
No errors in either tabs. I see also errors when I make a CSV for my address-labels, I’ll open a ticket.
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
The problem went away for a while, but since 2 weeks again no shipping emails from SixBit. I checked email settings, restarted the agent on the server…no succes. It does noad tracking into eBay, but I would like the buyer to see the personalised enail as well.
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
The agent also puts listings online, so yes, scheduled listings and allocations were done normal. Did as you suggested after closing the client; restarted the virtual server that has SixBit database running; problem solved! Thank you!
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
Sorry to bump this tread. Since today I’m opted in to eBay Managed Payments. However, even through I followed all refresh instructions (and restarted, uypdated to newest version etc), I do not see the box ticked that I’m opted in.
Plus, first payment from buyer through managed payments is marked in database as from a Credit Card.
Do I need to wait a 24-hour cycle?
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
Notes box? You mean in Telerik that empty space under “barcode1”?
If “Data length 29” stands for total digits I probebly should make a barcode label layout specificly for the longer Variation listings to use with for example the same label printer but label vertically printed?
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
End-comment; I left it as is and worked with WeAreWuunder to have the import of my CSV to them altered in such a way that the barcode original from the packinglist shows the good order in their label-program. It’s weird through that the error in picture 29 stayed after doing the process with care. I must have missed a step somewhere.
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
At this time I cannot get it to work….. I made some screenshots, what am I doing wrong? It only accepts the basic packinglist..
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
That’s food for thought John.
Since I’m located in Europe, there is no integration with SixBit and my shipper, so I send my CSV in the morning to who do convert it to a manageble and quick process to print a label. Saves me 3 hours per week of manually adding the addresses in the system. (don’t ask; a CSV file from a USA based program into a Europese shipping program does not match that well).
So; they suggested that I could save more time scanning the barcode on the packinglist and that’s when I ran into this. They make their labels in unique numbers that I can find in MyeBay and in SixBit, as they also offer integration between eBay and their system -does not work yet in my case-.
So in the end it makes more sense for me, looking at how I use the packinglist (to pack and to double check when I print a label), to change to to Fields.SiteOrderID. I do not use the orderID to search in my database, I always search on the buyerID…..
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
The fresh import from eBay indeed created Origin “my Location” “my Location 2” “my Location 3”. Batch change in Sell Items I suppose?
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
Updated to 4.00.145, but combining not solved.
Very weird; buyer has 4 sales. So, I combine all into one shipment, charge 1 shipping. End result is multiple shipments; one containing 3 items and one containing 1. So when I print this 2 packinglists will come out (chance of not being combined as it should). Also; when I check the invoice I usually send it shows the order with 3 items, in the rown in sixbit it shows 3 items. This is looking very weird.
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
Yes, pictures are showing on the client and server, we created a space for them on the server. (removed them from C:\ directory to a new created Z directory on the server with 50 GB space). Do I need to change something in the Telerik reports? The pictures are being missed by me to quickly pick what I need, so it’s no issue that needs a quick fix. (Sixbit is running on a virtual server created on the new server)
I’ll update asap tomorrow and let you know how combining goes.
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
Located in The Netherlands, Europe
It’s a glitch, so for now closed the ticket and will go on creating listings….and making the new server ready.
Located in The Netherlands, Europe