Received notification from the super prompt Sixbit support team that the issue has been identified and fix is coming out in build 3.00.135. I’ll update once we test it out. To rest, I recommend holding off on 3.00.134.
another error in reference to Amazon in logs:
InputDataError [MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebServiceException]
Stack Trace
at MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebServiceClient.Invoke[T,K](IDictionary`2 parameters, K clazz)
at MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebServiceClient.GetFeedSubmissionResult(GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request)
at SixBit.Business.SiteAPICalls.Amazon.Feeds.GetFeedSubmissionResult(Int64 ExternalFeedID, String feedPath)
End Stack Trace
another error like:
Amazon Exception Bubbling [SixBit.Business.Declarations.BubblingException]InputDataError [MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebServiceException]
Stack Trace
at SixBit.Business.Entities.Amazon.General.HandleAmazonSpecificExceptions(Exception ex)
at SixBit.Business.SiteAPICalls.Amazon.Feeds.GetFeedSubmissionResult(Int64 ExternalFeedID, String feedPath)
at SixBit.Business.Entities.Amazon.General.RequestRecurse(RequestRecurseCallTypes callType, Int32& depth, RequestRecurseBase args)
End Stack Trace
Under program errors log I see some errors like:
There was an error reflecting type ‘SixBit.Business.Declarations.Amazon.Envelope’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting property ‘Messages’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting type ‘SixBit.Business.Declarations.Amazon.Message’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting property ‘Item’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting type ‘SixBit.Business.Declarations.Amazon.Price’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting property ‘StandardPrice’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting type ‘SixBit.Business.Declarations.Amazon.StandardPrice’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting property ‘Currency’. [System.InvalidOperationException]There was an error reflecting type ‘SixBit.Business.Declarations.Amazon.BaseCurrencyCode’. [System.InvalidOperationException]Types ‘SixBit.Business.Declarations.Amazon.BaseCurrencyCode’ and ‘SixBit.Business.Entities.Amazon.GenProduct.BaseCurrencyCode’ both use the XML type name, ‘BaseCurrencyCode’, from namespace ”. Use XML attributes to specify a unique XML name and/or namespace for the type. [System.InvalidOperationException]
Stack Trace
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(TypeModel model, String ns, ImportContext context, String dataType, XmlAttributes a, Boolean repeats, Boolean openModel, RecursionLimiter limiter)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportElement(TypeModel model, XmlRootAttribute root, String defaultNamespace, RecursionLimiter limiter)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(Type type, XmlRootAttribute root, String defaultNamespace)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, XmlAttributeOverrides overrides, Type[] extraTypes, XmlRootAttribute root, String defaultNamespace, String location, Evidence evidence)
at SixBit.Library.SharedFunctions.GetSerializer[T](String rootName)
at SixBit.Business.Entities.Amazon.Feeds.SubmitFeedForOrders(List`1 Orders, MessageType Type)
End Stack Trace
Can you give us any kind of idea as to whether or any of the above sites is in the pipeline any time soon and if so how soon we can expect the addition. We don’t need full blown integration, something like you did with Amazon would be perfect for start? Note, I don’t mean to push you in any way just trying to figure out whether to wait for your team to add the sites or whether to assign our own programmer to start the integration. Basically our plans for 2017 was to add Walmart / and It sounds like of the 3 your thoughts are to add Walmart first so ultimately I am trying to figure out how soon we can expect it. If Its something your working on now to add in the next 1 to 2 months than we would rather wait but if your planning something in the second part of the year, than we would rather start the project internally sooner. Any guidance you can give would be greatly appreciated it and Happy New Year, we wish you and your team the very best!
Also onboard for
Extremely interested in Walmart! as well as!!!!