I thought to include 2 more attachments to further help:
1) My SB Store Policy Snippet Preview: This is what I typed in my Policy Snippet on SB
2) My SB Store Policy Snippet HTML: This is the HTML that results from what I typed in 1 above on SB
– My Description Wrapper (the 6th attachment sent earlier), only has 3 line items. [[Title]]; [[Description]]; [[Store Policy]]
– My Description (the 3rd attachment sent earlier), has all the Item Specifics, the “IF” stuff, and whatever else needed for the listings (I usually save one Description per Store Category or Sub-Category in my files for use every time the same category is to be used on a new listing).
– My Store Policy Snippet: (attached here), has the data I typed related to Shipping, Return, Payment, International, etc…. and does not including individual Snippets
If a Snippet within a Snippet, or in the Description/Description Wrapper doesn’t display properly on eBay, and since Snippets are created once in general, you have the option to create only 1 Snippet that includes the “typed data” you need from other Snippets (instead of inserting them). By doing so and adding this 1 single Snippet to your Description Wrapper as previewed in the attached image here, all will preview as they should on any device.