
Home Forums Announcements Auto/Motors Fitment Integration Feedback – Any input is welcome.

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  • #15050
    Steve Lea

    Hello SixBit Users,

    We are looking for any kind of input, feedback, or feature requests from current eBay motors/auto/powersports sellers on potential integrations for fitments and auto parts catalogs for SixBit to research and possibly implement. Are there any features or improvements we can make to help you as a seller list more efficiently with Compatibility Sets? Any input, other systems, or features that come to mind would help us tremendously.

    It would be beneficial but not necessary if you had experience or hands-on knowledge with compatibility sets in SixBit as well as any of the external system/catalogs so we can better gauge how it works and if other users would benefit from such integrations.

    You can respond to this email or email support directly at support@sixbitsoftware.com with your response.


    SixBit Software

    Support Manager

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Steve Lea.
    Kevin Bentz

    I’m not sure what kind of suggestions you’re looking for.  Like pre-made compatibility sets?


    Steve Lea


    We’re looking for any kind of input, feedback, or feature requests on our current compatibility/fitment integration in SixBit.


    Steve Lea

    Support Manager

    SixBit Software, https://www.sixbitsoftware.com

    Support Manager

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Steve Lea.
    Steve Hodgson

    Is there any way you guys can make the compatibility Filter Unlock “Engine size” without having to pick a Trim first? When its set to Trim “ALL” Engine filter stays locked. Sometimes it is easier to Choose all the Trims that have the same Engine size to make the process go faster.

    Another Request would be to make it able to select Multiple Trims at once using Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click like it is possible with Year ,Make amd Models.


    Basically more flexibility

    Billy Ingram

    I dont know if it is possible, but a lot of the fitments are loaded with inaccuracies so it would be great to be able to download into an excel spreadsheet for the ability to correct and then load correct fitment guide back into sixbit,

    I know that this doesnt pertain to fitment, but the ability to bundle items together would be great

    thank you

    John Manning

    Hi Billy,

    You can export the Compatibility sets from the Export toolbar button in Sell Items mode, alter them, and import them back in corrected.

    Bundling is an issue we’re looking at incorporating into SixBit in the near future.

    John Manning, Senior Developer

    Steven Haffley

    When I do GM parts and i put a gm part number in to download compatibilities, it usually comes up with 20 items for the same thing, and only 2 or 3 of them actually have fitment data.  It’d be nice if when you’re downloading fitment data, if the item ebay downloaded has no fitment info, to bypass it or something to that effect.   Some way of letting you know so you don’t have to click 20 items individually until you find the one that contains fitment data.   If i’m looking for fitment data, I’m not interested in items that have no fitment data.

    I’d like to be able to copy fitment data from other sellers listings just like myfitment does, though I think it already does this, as some of the results I get when entering part numbers are other peoples listings and are not in the parts catalog.

    And the issue I’m currently working with support on, stop resending pictures even when you have the option turned off, when submitting fitment data.

    I also noticed the “include stock photo” was including it in sixbit, but not to ebay even if you click the add to gallery option.

    John Manning

    We’ll look into adding a filter or flagging of Fitment containing search results. The sending of pictures is just for re-uploading of them, the links on the existing pictures rows in SixBit are always necessarily sent as part of a Revision. There is a stock photo bug currently with some Motors categories that we’re looking into.


    John Manning, Senior Developer

    Peter Sichley

    Hello, is there a way to just type a manafacture part number and the sixbit catalog will automatically show all the years and models of that part and loaded in automatically? otherwise you have to do everything manually for each part. so if a motorcycle has 200 parts you would have to do each one sepreate at a time witch would take hours. but if we could just type a part number and the fitment auto fills everything than it would be extreme fast and accurate

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