Clients Area

Update to Shopify Authentication - Old Access Support Ending 8-14-2024

  • Tuesday, 11th June, 2024
  • 13:27pm

Hello SixBit Software Shopify Users!


We are posting this as an important update regarding your Shopify authentication. As of **August 14th**, the current Shopify authentication method you are using will no longer be supported. 

To ensure a smooth transition and continued functionality, we have provided resources to help you convert to the new authentication method. Please review the following guides and tutorials to assist you in this process:


1. **Step-by-Step Guide to Authorizing Shopify in SixBit**:

 Instructions to Converting in our User's Guide Here


2. **Video Tutorial**:

 Watch our YouTube Walkthrough Here


3. **Knowledge Base Article**:

Access the KB Article Here


We strongly encourage you to make this transition as soon as possible to avoid any disruption to your services. Our support team is here to help with any questions or concerns you may have during this process. 


Thank you for your attention to this matter and for being a valued user. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a seamless transition.


Best regards,

The SixBit Software Team!

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